Sunday 27 November 2011

Audience Profile

Gender: Boys
Age: From 7 to 15 years of age
Interests: Very creative and imaginative, enjoy videos games that often enforce a lot creative things such as 'rayman,naruto and big planet little planet'  like read read fiction or interesting fact books, like action movies, but mainly cartoons.

Secondary Audience
teenagers of either gender looking for a lighthearted comedy. 13-17 who like being imaginative and like watching creative funny immature programmes

Why did you choose this traget audience?
Our film best suits our target audience this is because it opts for a creative, action film with some varied comedy that mainly boys would find very entertaining and humored.We thought that more so boys would be able to relate to this as i it would be able to receive a lot of customers and people to watch the film

What other films would the target audince have seen?
-Spy Kids 4
-Gnomeo & Juliet
-Africa United
-Cars 2

What would you need in your poster to attract this audience?
-Darker colours, to make it more apealign to boys
-Quite basic layout and image, so the main atmosphere of the film is shown through the poster
-Shows the weapons and ninja costume, to get the TA interested and let them know its a ninja film
-Bold writing on titles and tag line

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